Monday, April 20, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

Scott's finally resting. I phoned Scott from work to let him know not to call the oncologist because I already had a call into him. Scott hasn't felt good all weekend, he's been nauseous, has had a headache etc. I remember the doctor saying the Avastin didn't have any side effects so I decided to call to see if Scott should take his Zofran and about the pressure in his head and his headache. The doctor wanted to see Scott, so I phoned home to tell Scott to be ready and I would pick him up in a little over an hour. I went to pick up lunch for the office and Michelle called me on my cell phone to tell me to call Scott. I dropped off lunch and headed home. I walked through the door and Scott was white as a ghost. I helped him put on his shoes and out the door we went. When Scott got through the door he got really sick. I don't know if it was going from the inside to outside but, he began o throw up and he didn't think he could make the drive. I phoned the doctors office to tell them that I was calling 911 to have him taken to the hospital but, by the time they had gotten back on the phone, I had Scott in the truck and was on my way there.
On our way there (I'll spare the details) Scott got really sick. We arrived at the office and they took Scott back right away. The doctor came in Scott was clammy, he was white and his head was hurting so bad that I turned off the lights in the room. The doctor seemed to be in somewhat of a panic. He said Avastain doesn't have any side effects. He ordered a bag of sodium, Demerol and phenergan and numerous blood test. The nurse with the Demerol became Scott's new best friend. My poor sick baby : ( The Demerol took effect right away but, made Scott goofy.
Dr. P. said if it happens again tomorrow Scott will have to have an MRI to see what is happening in his brain after the Avastain.
His conclusion today was the Avastain must have aggravated the chemistry in the brain.
I came home to find Michelle there to see what she could do to help. I even had Cold Stone in my freezer. I have the best friend.
I drooped Scott off to sleep and headed to Melbourne to pick up his meds. Hopefully, all will be calm tomorrow.

1 comment: said...

My thots are with u. Nicole