Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Blake Update

We even included Blake and Kellie in our reindeer pj's. But, we wouldn't let them play any reindeer games. They did make really cute reindeer's .After Blake lost his grandmother he wanted to pay a special tribute to her. She had passed away from breast cancer. He knew exactly what he wanted but, as he was doing some research he decided to incorporate the color of brain cancer for Scott. This is Blake's design.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Second Opinion

We had an appt. with Dr. Nick today. Scott's last MRI showed what could be swelling, new wispy area or nothing and the area is stable. Dr. Nick explained because he is so emotionally attached to us he would like for us to see a doctor at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville for a second opinion.
Dr. Nick strongly stated that he doesn't feel like he is second guessing his self , he just wants to be sure. We were lucky enough to get an appt. for January 6. The results will decide where we go from here.

I had mentioned to Dr. Nick that Scott has lost 10 lbs. Scott said it was no big deal. Dr. Nick showed him on the computer with his height and age ratio where his weight is suppose to be. Scott has lost a total of 25 lbs after going off chemo. Dr. Nick gave him something to drink in the morning to stimulate his appetite.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas At Nana's

Her house was like a kids wonderland. She had three trees decorated different themes. She even had a huge beautiful Christmas tree decorated on the porch which was set up with beautiful decorated tables. Michelle and I thought it would be cute to wear our pj's. It turned out great because we were exhausted and didn't end up home until late.
My mom's poor little dog Minnie was so scared.
Hunter got these glasses at school. But, I couldn't help but take a picture because he looked like Ralphy from a Christmas Story. My sister and her family has never seen that movie. I know what I will get them pre Christmas gift next year. I thought everyone had seen that movie.

Little Briar was adorable as ever.
My mom's little dogs were to small to pull the sleigh.

My sisters along with their families were going to be different places for Christmas. My mom put together a wonderful family and friends early Christmas so we could all be together. My mom had filled huge Christmas stockings for the kids, which were a big hit. There were screams with each cool thing they opened. What happened next. It began to snow.

The evening was filled with everything a kid could dream of. Thanks Mom

Christmas 2008

We had a great Christmas. We began our annual Christmas eve with the opening of our pj's. This year we were all reindeer. My antler's blended into the Christmas tree. Skylar was of course Rudolph but, she wasn't ready to wear her nose yet. I made a wonderful roast beef dinner. Tom had stop on the way to the house to give the homeless some clothes. I didn't want the rolls to be cold so not thinking I placed them back in the oven. Though we were not playing a game of hockey, we had a basket of pucks. We then open our gifts, Skylar really racked up (as always)

Michelle had noticed the gifts we had gotten each other was the same exact size but, what were the chances??We waited for Skylar to open her gifts and the Michelle and I opened ours together. Yes, we share a brain and bought each other the same exact gift.
Skylar loosened up and began to wear her nose. She began to having fun with it. We had gotten Tom a digital frame and downloaded pictures of Skylar from a baby until now, with songs and the first song we thought of was Heartlands "I Loved Her First" Tom probably wouldn't admit it but I think he got alittle teary eyed. Scott received an awesome Livestrong Matt received Wii Fishing rod and game.

Michelle made my mom this beautiful fleece blanket now, maybe my mom will stop trying to steal mine.

We then realized we were 30 minutes late to be at Dr. Cwikla's house. So off we go in our pj's. We had gotten Dr. Cwikla a custom made jersey that said Big Dog.

I think little dog was a bit jealous. We had a great time sipping on wine and eating shrimp. I did manage to get a family picture of the Cwikla family by their beautiful Christmas tree. I forgot to mention how festive the house looked. Even though it was raining outside it felt like it was snowing the minute you walked into the house. Beautiful Christmas music was playing, everything was so festive.

We then returned home where Scott had given me a DVD. He had made plans for Blake and Kellie to have a DVD recorder. When the DVD began to play my heart began to pound, it was so great to see him. He then began to tell me what I meant to him ,how I had always been there for him and what a wonderful childhood he had. He was crying, Myself and everyone in the room was crying. What a wonderful gift - it was as close as Scott could have me have Blake home for the holidays. Then I received a phone call from Blake Christmas morning through webcam I was able to share his and Kellie's first Christmas together, Kellie seems to be a wonderful girl and the perfect little elf. We all could not have pulled off all of our surprises without her. : )

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Skylar And I Escape To Disney

I took Skylar to Disney World after work on Friday. We did what ever she wanted to do. We waited in line to see Ariel while waiting to see her there was a little girl in front of us. Ariel took her fork out of her chest and started combing her hair and she asked the little girl if she liked her dinglemyhopper. Skylar chimed in that it was a fork. Ariel said no scuttle's told her it was a dinglemyooper ans Skylar said no its a fork. When it was Skylar's turn to sit with Ariel - Ariel did not pull anything from her trunk.
After we got off the tram, we had forgot where we park so did everyone else did to. There were so many people hitting their panic button in the parking lot that it was hard to tell whose alarm was going off. It took us 45 minutes to find our car. Skylar wanted the keys so she could hit the panic button but, I explained to her that was what I was doing. Little drama queen was saying her dad was expecting her and she was going to be so late, her legs were killing her.
I took her home and her dad had decorated the whole outside of the house. Skylar's eyes lit up like Christmas morning.
Scott and I went to pick up a few extra Christmas decorations and I began to have horrible stomach cramps. Thanks Dr Cwikla for sharing your virus with me. I ended up in bed for the day. Scott ended up taking care of me all day. He's so loving. I am hoping tomorrow I will be 100% or I may have to inquire Michelle's help.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Great Way To Kick Off The Holidays

Skylar and I began our Christmas month with shopping & ice coffee. After we shopped and purchased her Advent calender and mini toys and chocolates to fill it, we headed to the mall to see Santa. Skylar kept wanting to run errands before we saw Santa she said she could wait. When I questioned her why she wanted to wait, she said he may have her on his naughty list. I asked her if she had been naughty and she said at home. We finally made it to the mall, she sat on Santa's lap to tell him what she wanted for Christmas, when she walked over to me she said he didn't say anything to her about being on his naughty list. She then wanted to ride the train, she was the only kid there so the train conductor told me to tell him when I wanted him to stop it. We then headed to the grocery store, when I looked at my watch it was 7:00 we had been out shopping and doing errands for 5 hours.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Thanksgiving Recap

Scott and I began our Thanksgiving holiday on Friday. We made our way to Apopka and did our grocery shopping for a large enough turkey to feed 20+ family and friends that were coming to my mom's for an early Thanksgiving feast.
I met up with an old friend from High School that I hadn't seen in 20+ years. Time flies., neither of us looked that old : )
Thanksgiving at my mom's was great. Food was great - company was great. I played ball with my youngest niece and she became clued to my hip. Everything I did she copied me , it was the cutest thing. We headed home on Saturday to pick Milo up at Paradise Pet Estate by 5:00 for Christmas pictures on Sunday. The things Scott will do to make me smile - you'll understand when you receive your Christmas card this year.
We house/dog sat for the doctor Wednesday - Sunday. Thursday Michelle and Matt hosted Thanksgiving at their home. Matt deep fried a yummy Turkey and Michelle made to homemade pies that were also yummy. After we ate we played electronic Monopoly - where Michelle won by a hair.
I then had three whole days to get allot done. Put up the Christmas tree , put up outside lights etc.. WRONG!! I decided that my family room needed built in shelves. I have built in shelves that are almost all sanded and ready for paint. "Maybe" I will have my tree up this week. I seem to be keeping myself really busy this holiday season.
Blake had a great Thanksgiving with Kelly and her family : )
Brandi spent Thanksgiving with her friend and Tom made Thanksgiving for him and Skylar.