Sunday, September 30, 2007

Grandchildren Pull At Your Heart Strings

Skylar has a bad habit of getting out of bed in the middle of the night to play. She only does it at her house. At first I thought she was sleep walking but, she can tell you everything she does. The other night she got up tripped over the vacum and hit her chin on the bird cage. When her dad went to wake her up her chin was split open and she was covered in blood. I got the call at 6:00 am that he was to the hospital. I tried to talk Skylar on the phone but, she had realized she was bleeding and was a little upset. I phoned Scott to see if he could meet Tom and Skylar in the Emergency Room. I couldn't stand it, so I decided to slip over to the hospital for some gammie hugs. It was a good thing, when they said sutures both guys bolted. It was the hard holding her trying to keep her calm as they injected lidocaine in her chin. We were both upset. I told her because she was so brave, I would pick her up from the sitters after work and take her to Toys R Us. When I arrived at the sitters, she already knew what she wanted. She choose a Barbie horse and a new barbie.

She probably could have talked me in to even more than that on that particular shopping trip. Blake had his forehead sewn up when he was two and I don't remember it being as traumatic for me.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What To Do

With the holidays being right around the corner, I was thinking I would do something different for Christmas. Not knowing when Blake will be with us again for Christmas. I didn't want to use the same ornaments, that I have collected over the years. So I thought of a Grinchmas. But, after I thought about that I had a problem with taking Christ out of Christmas. So I decided on a Holiday Whobalation. So I ordered my Grinch tree, found awesome christmas stockings and very whoville ornaments. I have a surprise planned for our Christmas cards. If anyone has any ideas on our Whobalation celebration I am up for suggestions.

Monday, September 24, 2007


medical results can be confusing. For the first time in over a year - I read the MRI report. Not understanding what alot of it meant, I search the internet. The results that were coming up were not what I was wanting to hear. So this is what I mailed Dr. Nick :
Hello Dr. Nick;

Scott and I showed up a week before our appt. and dropped off his films to be read and we didn't hear anything back. I had the report faxed over to me. Although the scan appears to be stable, appears slightly decreased in size : ) I had a couple concerns and questions.1. It says the other scatter in foci and the edema pattern appear to be essentially unchanged compared to June and July 2007. What does this mean?
2. The white matter edema involvement of the posterior limb of the right internal capsule, superior aspect of the corpus callosulm have stable mild mass effect with subtle effacement of the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle and midline shift. Is this new, and is it anything to worry about?
3. What does thinning of the cortex mean for Scott and is any of this related to his left side problems?
Thank You

This is Dr. Nick's response:

I think we have attained stability and are trending towards improvement in some cases. What we are seeing is the secondary effect of diminished mass effect. :)!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Great MRI Reading

Scott got a great MRI reading. The swelling seems to be decreasing. Thanks to the Avastin that has been added to the Irrinotecin. So it's the best news we have had in 3 years. Before everything just remained stable, which was still good news but, shrinking is great news. He had his chemo today. At first we were not sure because he has been trying to fight off a cold. But, they went forward and if he gets worst they do a chest x-ray on Monday. He is seeing Dr. Gurgainios on Monday to talk to him about the separation between his arm and shoulder. From the atrophy, that left him with no control over his arm and it swinging it has begin to separate.
So hopefully the Dr. will have a remedy as what we can do. Scott had gotten news that the doctor had given his mom 4-6 months to live. So he is being hit hard both physically and emotionally.
Blake has taken on so much his Senior year. He goes to school full time, he has a full time job, he has to find time to run 2 miles in 14 min @ least 3 times a week, do 100 sit ups and 100 push ups everyday and his Grandmother on his fathers side, whom he is extremely close to, is being treated for lung, liver and bone cancer that had metastasized from breast cancer 11 years ago. My heart breaks for him. I know he is a man now but, for me he is still my little boy and I think that would be alot for an adult to deal with.
We are thankful for the blessings we are given and we will deal with the things we have no control over as they come.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

It's For A Good Cause

This is mine & Scott's "God Dog"besides the many God children Scott and I have we also have 2 God Dogs, this particular one is our favorite. He has been entered in the Paw's & Claw's contest because he is so darn cute. The proceeds go to a good cause. Here are the particulars about the contest and a small bit of information about Boston, that was written by his mommy.

Boston is the sweetest puppy and has over come the odds to be here today. After having him for only three days he was rushed to the Animal Emergency Clinic by my brother Scott, where at that time he was diagnosed with Parvo. After five days in ICU he was able to come home and now he is a healthy and strong puppy. As shown in the picture, Boston now supports his Uncle Scott, who is fighting for his life by wearing a Livestrong collar.

Then, on Oct. 1, round one of voting begins. This is where the fundraising part comes in. A 25-cent donation is asked for each vote.

Voting can be done online, by mail sent to the address listed above or in person in the FLORIDA TODAY lobby from 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.

After three rounds of voting, the contest ends Oct. 28. One grand prize pet and four others will be featured in FLORIDA TODAY.

Cris Davies, Newspapers In Education manager, said fundraisers such as the pet contest are essential for helping teachers pay for newspapers used in class. Even with discounted rates, it's often difficult for schools to fund the program.

"I would like to raise about $30,000," Davies said of the goal for Paws and Claws.

For more information about Newspapers In Education and the Paws and Claws photo contest, visit

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Years Have Flown By

I remember when I was pregnant with Blake. The first time they placed him in my arms, it felt like my life was complete. I remember each milestone like it was yesterday. I remember his first steps, now he runs through the door to grab something before jetting off in his car, I remember picking him up from kindergarten and him picking a flower from the school yard everyday and giving it to me , now he buys flowers for his girlfriend. I remember the love notes he used to write and place on my night stand, now he hides life size cutouts of people in the house to scare me. I remember how tiny his first pair of cowboy boots were, now he wears combat boots. I remember sending him to space camp for a week, he returned from army basic training in August,I remember the schools basic picture package, I just ordered Senior pictures. I can't believe it's been 18 years and it seems like just yesterday.  

Monday, September 10, 2007

Explosive Ordnance Disposal


Can you think of anything more dangerous? Blake renegotiated his contract with the Army for 6 years active duty. It requires allot of schooling, math particularly. He is very excited. I think his main goal is to work for the bomb squad. I think it's going to be a good career move for him. I couldn't have asked for a better son. I am very proud of him, at 18 , he has a plan. Although, I am slightly starting to feel the empty nest syndrome that my mother always talked and still talks about. I totally bombed the schedule for last week. I thought Scott had an MRI appt. with Dr. Nick on Thursday, we showed up MRI in hand, turned out his appt. was for this Thursday. Then I show up in Apopka at 6:00 to edit my mom's party video, he had forgotten we had an appt. and he was off at some Gala. So far two strikes. Scott had chemo at 8:00 am on Friday so we stayed at my mom's, which is only 15 - 20 min. away from Dr. Nick's office. So this Friday is an off Friday. Scott did well through chemo but, was in bed all weekend. Skylar spent the night with me on Saturday, her and I took turns swimming to the bottom of the pool to pick up the plumeria leaves. Sunday I took her to the park and called it a day. It seems like there is so much to do and not enough time to do it all in.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Sign Here On The Dotted Line

Blake is headed to Jacksonville this morning to decided if he was to keep his same mos or if he wants to change to something else. Depending on the job openings, depends on how long he will negotiate his contract for. For a descent job, it's probably going to be four years. I can live with four years but, can the people closest to me live with it. It's going to be tough - but, as a parent I want Blake to live his dream and see and experience places other than Florida. Maybe we will getting to see exciting places also.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Scott Can't Do Both Drugs

Scott and I were suppose to go for the h-CRF. The Avastin that we just recently got approved for does not work with h-CRF. Both drugs basically do the exact same thing. Except the Avastin is suppose to be better. I spent the weekend working in the yard. Monday Skylar came over to swim and Blake made tasty steaks on the grill. Blake signed his paperwork, to go active duty, when he graduates in May. I'm having mixed emotions, his MOS is combat engineer. So is not the safest job.