Friday, September 21, 2007

Great MRI Reading

Scott got a great MRI reading. The swelling seems to be decreasing. Thanks to the Avastin that has been added to the Irrinotecin. So it's the best news we have had in 3 years. Before everything just remained stable, which was still good news but, shrinking is great news. He had his chemo today. At first we were not sure because he has been trying to fight off a cold. But, they went forward and if he gets worst they do a chest x-ray on Monday. He is seeing Dr. Gurgainios on Monday to talk to him about the separation between his arm and shoulder. From the atrophy, that left him with no control over his arm and it swinging it has begin to separate.
So hopefully the Dr. will have a remedy as what we can do. Scott had gotten news that the doctor had given his mom 4-6 months to live. So he is being hit hard both physically and emotionally.
Blake has taken on so much his Senior year. He goes to school full time, he has a full time job, he has to find time to run 2 miles in 14 min @ least 3 times a week, do 100 sit ups and 100 push ups everyday and his Grandmother on his fathers side, whom he is extremely close to, is being treated for lung, liver and bone cancer that had metastasized from breast cancer 11 years ago. My heart breaks for him. I know he is a man now but, for me he is still my little boy and I think that would be alot for an adult to deal with.
We are thankful for the blessings we are given and we will deal with the things we have no control over as they come.

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