Sunday, September 30, 2007

Grandchildren Pull At Your Heart Strings

Skylar has a bad habit of getting out of bed in the middle of the night to play. She only does it at her house. At first I thought she was sleep walking but, she can tell you everything she does. The other night she got up tripped over the vacum and hit her chin on the bird cage. When her dad went to wake her up her chin was split open and she was covered in blood. I got the call at 6:00 am that he was to the hospital. I tried to talk Skylar on the phone but, she had realized she was bleeding and was a little upset. I phoned Scott to see if he could meet Tom and Skylar in the Emergency Room. I couldn't stand it, so I decided to slip over to the hospital for some gammie hugs. It was a good thing, when they said sutures both guys bolted. It was the hard holding her trying to keep her calm as they injected lidocaine in her chin. We were both upset. I told her because she was so brave, I would pick her up from the sitters after work and take her to Toys R Us. When I arrived at the sitters, she already knew what she wanted. She choose a Barbie horse and a new barbie.

She probably could have talked me in to even more than that on that particular shopping trip. Blake had his forehead sewn up when he was two and I don't remember it being as traumatic for me.

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