Wednesday, March 03, 2010

We Are Making Some Progress

Scott had a pretty good last couple of days. He had been eating better but, didn't care to much about eating lunch today. He had a slight headache today and I pushed the PC pump which dispensed a .25 dose of Dilaudid. So he is resting comfortably. Don from the church drove over for a quick visit. It probably took him longer to drive here than he was actually stayed. Scott slept through most of the visit.

Scott will go from here to Lucerne for physical therapy.Lucerne is two blocks from MD Anderson. It is better that he stay here , so he can be monitored by the doctors here. Hopefully they can get him to where he will be able to walk again.

I will return to work and go back and fourth. My family will also kick in for some visits since they live closer than I will be. Not the best scenario for Scott and I but, the best for his health.
Kellie's dad had come up with a wonderful idea. He has been generous enough to drive Kellie half way to Florida and then I will meet and drive her and Roo here. We are going to do all this before Scott gets out of rehab. So hopefully , everything will be in place by the time Scott returns home.

1 comment:

Keri Donald said...

I've been away from the blogs for a few days so I'm just getting caught up on your crazy last few days. Your family is definitely in our prayers! Love you guys!