Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hate Being The One To Make Health Desicions

Scott had a rough Saturday afternoon and Sunday. He didn't feel good, he seems to be leaning to the left really bad, his walking wasn't so great and he slept allot. He usually calls me as soon as he wakes up but, I didn't hear from him so I decided to give him a call around 10:00 to see how he was doing. He said he felt about the same. He did end up at physical therapy but, with a phone call to me about 3:00 that they didn't want him to drive home. My heart dropped and I headed to Sea Pines to pick him up. When I got there Judy was sitting with him and I asked Scott if we should stop and have some bloodwork done to rule out if he was toxic to Dilatin. We should get those results today. I was explaining to Scott how I hate being the one to decided someone else's fate. If it were me I would know what to do but, when someone else's health is in your hands you want to make the right decision. I realize we can't panic over every little thing but, I do and try not to show it. I was scared to go to sleep for the fear he would fall in the middle of the night and he did. I checked him out and he seem to be ok. When I asked him how he felt this morning he said better.

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