Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Very Happy Un-Birthday to You

Skylar had in her head that her Birthday was today. So when my sister called me this morning Skylar asked for the phone. I handed her the phone and she walked off and into the backyard. After about 5-10 min. I decided to rescue my sister and ask for the phone back.
Skylar had told her not to tell me what they had talked about, it was a secret.
Skylar told Tina it was her birthday and she was to bring the cake. Skylar then wanted me to call different people so she could talk. She was having a birthday party, inviting people and telling them what to bring. Skylar didn't want me to know because I told her that her birthday wasn't until October so was ruining her party. She later told me we were expecting guest, for her party and she really expected them. Luckly she was awoken from her nap when her dad came to pick her up. I'm sure she will be calling me later.

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