Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Cutie Patootie

Skylar has moved into her new home. She had called me and asked me to pick her up. I told her both Pappy and myself was sick. Skylar then asked to talk to Blake - she was trying to convince him to pick her up. The cute part of the story is Skylar didn't think we knew where her new house was so she told us to follow her footprints and we would find her.

I took Milo to visit Skylar on Monday. I showed her he could sit, lay and rollover. She was more excited that he had a leash and she could run with him. He had to follow her because she had hold of the leash. She didn't want us to take Milo. She said she loved his tail , his ears and she just loves him. I told her if I didn't take Milo he would be really sad when it came time to go to bed because he sleeps on his bed by my bed. She said he could sleep in her bed. I then told her when I leave for work Milo cries for me because he misses me. Skylar's answer to that was well she misses him. Scott says she will be a great debater. When it got time for us to go she wanted to come home with us. I told her I had to work the next day and she had to go to Juannie's she said we could build another Skylar and she could go to Juannie's and she could come home with us. She even jumped in the truck. I told her I would pick her up on Friday and she could spend the night and play on Saturday.

I have taught Milo to ring the poochie bell when he wants to go outside to potty. Yesterday Scott called me at work to tell me Milo was driving him crazy he rings the bell every ten min. Because we are training him we have to take him out every time he rings it. I asked Scott if Milo was going to the bathroom when he let him out and he said yes and then he runs back to the kitchen for his treat. I am just glad that he caught on to ring the bell. Michelle (my friend and dog pro) says it gets better he will ring the bell less and less. But, will still continue to ring the bell when he needs to go potty. I think that Milo is as excited about ringing the bell as I am.

1 comment:

Keri Donald said...

Awe! It must break your heart when she wants to come with you so badly and you have to say no. :( Cutie Patootie is right! And she seems to really have good logic too! :)