Saturday, April 05, 2008


Scott and I have both been under the weather. I've been a little cranky w/going to work & keeping up on my house duties. I took Scott to chemo on Friday and decided not to go upstairs because I didn't want to contaminate others. Scott slept all the way home and as soon as he walked through the door went to bed.
Michelle and I drove back to Orlando to see John Edwards (the medium). I was hoping for a reading but, the reading he did for others was so moving. They really needed it for peace. But, I totally got it. If you loose someone you love it doesn't mean they are gone forever. They are still around you because love is eternal. I thought that was so sweet. I wish my mom could have been there to here those words. We got home about 11:30 pm and I fed the squirrel took out Milo and got to bed around 12:30.
I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything lately so I took Michelle's advice and made it a lifetime day (thanks Michelle, does she know me or what) I have done nothing today except order out for food and take Milo out. At first, I was aggravated that Milo was dumped on us. But, I have fallen in love with this little dog. He's very cute and sweet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I told you that is what you needed, a lifetime day makes everything better.
Love you guys,