Saturday, April 12, 2008

Finally Got A Reply

I received a reply from my e-mail to Dr. Nick. Looks like Scott and I are still on a wing and a prayer. Here is my email and his reply

Hi Dr. Nick Scott said that you were talking about him going on chemo holiday. It is a bit scary for me with the passing of Mike Gray. I know all cases are different but, I thought Scott had to be on chemo for one year? If he could tolerate the chemo is it better if he take the chemo for a year or do you feel comfortable with the amount of chemo that he has had? Thank you so much Dalana

Hi Dalana, I think Scott is really getting run down by this chemo. Thankfully, he has responded well to it from a tumor control standpoint. Yes, I would rather target 9-12 months of therapy but there is this gray line that gets crossed when it becomes counterproductive to his physical and immune health. He needs a rest and we will need to fly by faith for a while ... Scott may need to go back on the chemo more quickly than expected, but this is the better way to go right now I believe. Does this answer the question? Best, N

I am not sure it answered my question. I think it made me more nervous than anything.

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