Friday, January 08, 2010

Scott, Milo and My Crazy Life

I know I am behind on blogging but, I have been so busy. Scott began chemo again yesterday. So along with his physical therapy and occupational therapy both 3x a week he has also began chemo therapy. We were in Orlando at 7:00 am had chemo. back to the coast where I put Scott to bed and then to work. When I woke up this morning I asked him how he felt and he said he felt like he was on a boat (side effect) so I asked him if the Meclazine I gave him last night helped and he said no.

When I looked at the bottle it wasn't Meclazine I gave him I don't know what it was because Milo thought it would be fun to grab the prescription bottle and run through the yard. I was chasing him picking up pills so he wouldn't eat them. He was running around me in circles and then would grab the bottle again and take off running. I asked Scott where Milo took the bottle from but, Scott had no idea. I asked him what it was Scott said he didn't know to read the label. I couldn't read the label because Milo ate the label. Funny , "Yes" but not at the time I was ready to kill Milo. Then my computer guy came over and he doesn't like dogs and Milo could sense it every time the computer guy went to talk to me Milo would howl and bark, when the computer guy would stop talking so would Milo. Then Milo went in front of the pantry and barked for treats. I ignored him and he came where I was sitting grabbed my shoestring and tried to pull me off the couch to get him a treat. I have no idea want his problem was, a normally good dog became the dog from hell.

When I realized it wasn't Meclazine I gave Scott I went to the drawer found the bottle and gave it to him this morning. When he asked me what he took last night, I told him I had no idea. Scott said, great it was a women pill now I will probably act like a woman today. I don't even remember what I said to him and he said in a woman's voice - pretending to cry - I can't believe you said that to me...ugh..I shouldn't have told him I should have just gave him the Meclazine without saying anything.

1 comment:

Keri Donald said...

Wow.. what an adventure!

Love Scott's response to not knowing what you gave him! Always the jokester! ;)