Saturday, March 22, 2008

Adventures in Babysitting

I phoned Skylar last night and Blake answered the phone. I asked him what Skylar was doing and he said she was in time out. When I asked him why, he said because she keeps telling me what she is going to do. Blake told her if she didn't knock it off he was going to put her in time out. Skylar's response was whatever, so Blake put her in time out. I told him to have Skylar call me when she was out.
A few minutes later the phone rang. Skylar wanted me to pick her up because Uncle Blake was giving her attitude and a head ache. She said, he wouldn't let her pick what she wanted to eat. Blake was giving her choices but all she wanted was cereal. Blake's girlfriend said you don't eat cereal for dinner. I asked Skylar if I could speak to Blake. I told him we always eat cereal for dinner. He said, that is what I told Amanda. What did Syklar end up having for dinner ? CEREAL.
Where is it written cereal is only for break fest? I like cereal anytime of the day and we eat it anytime of the day. When the kids were little at least twice a year I would let them have dessert before dinner, that is the best part of dinner.
Hopefully, Skylar was a source of good birth control for the two kids.

1 comment:

Keri Donald said...

It seems like the best birth control is to watch someone else's kids. :) That's funny!