Saturday, October 04, 2008

Random Things

My mom came to stay with me for a week. She always seems to exhaust me when she is here. I throw out some ideas of projects I am thinking about doing and my mom jumps up and says let's do them. Let's do what? Let's re landscape - Not only did I want to re landscape but, all the plants had to be dug up and because they had been there for years the roots were all through the bed, which made in interesting in planting the new plants. Keep in mind Dr. Cwikla is out of time so I am running back to his house every 2 hours to let his dogs out. By the time 4:00 rolled around and it was time to feed the dogs, I would shower, feed the dogs, set by the river so they could be outside for a while and then I would fall into bed. Wake up in the morning, take the dogs out, go to Dunkin Donuts to get Iced Lattes for Scott and I , come home and make coffee for my mom and then begin the next project. I think she tried to kill me, she crammed 2 months worth of projects into one week. I felt bad the week she had decided to come over I was already committed to stay at Dr. Cwikla's house but, I was glad I had a place to escape and rest. : )

Scott seems to still be making progress in his movements but, still is not where we would like him to be. I can't believe how long it takes to build back muscle. He is doing more difficult work outs at home and is looking to get some type of mini gym system to help with his improvement.

Skylar will be turning 5 on the 14th - I decided not to do a big party this year. We are going to take her to Disney - it will be her first trip. I was luck enough to get reservations at The Royal Table so she will be dining with Cinderella, Prince Charming and the Fairy God Mother.

Michelle and I have a Bat Mitzvah we are designing and setting up for on November the 8th.
Blake is leaving for training on the 8th in Louisiana, then he will be on a 72 hour notice to deploy at anytime.

My mom wants her and I to go to St. Louis to see her mom and my Aunt and I need to plan a trip to New York to see my man cub. I think Scott is in a really good place were he can travel with me.

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