Friday, June 20, 2008

Busy Crazy Day

We finished up our June birthdays with Scott. I had picked Skylar from her sitters on Thursday. we began talking about Scoot's birthday being on Friday and she asked if she was invited. I tried to expalin to her that we were not having a party we are going to dinner with other adults. She didn't understand why if it wa Pappy's birthday, why no party. So we stopped at Publix to buy cupcakes. She then found the candles I had at home and after dinner presented Scott with a cupcake and song.

Friday morning Michelle picked Milo up for a day with Turner and Boston at the spa. After work I drove to pick him up. Thie place is a dog estate. It is beautiful. I asked them to shampoo, trim his nails and clean his ears. He smelled super clean. He was so exhausted from playing with the other dogs that he fell asleep on the way home. When we got home he acted doppy because he was so tired. You can also board your dog there. They don't place then in Kennels they are in what looks like bedrooms.

I then showered to get ready for Scott's Birthday dinner with our friends. Margarita's were great. Scott received a Bose system with an extra deck that holds 3 extra CD's. I also listened to our favorite radio station 99.7 kept track of all the songs played that day and burned him four CD's. Scott lso received the headblade a cool gadget to help keep his bald head slick. Thanks Matt & Michelle. He also received four large boxes of dark chocolate from Girmaldi's.. yummy. Thamks Dr. Joe & Pris.

We then headed to the Orlando air port yo pick up Blake. He was coming home to get his car to head up to Ft. Lenoard Wood. His flight arrived on time at 9:45. We picked up his bags and headed back to the coast. I relized in the airport that his life was packed in his bags. We then headed back to the coast. We had nade it almost home when my stomach began to roll. I'll spare the details. Scott was up all night with me getting ice bags for my head. I remembered we had Phenergan and I asked Scott for it along with Advil. I woke up @ 1:00 today. Blake came in
to my room to tell me good-bye. I proably saw him all 20 mins. I do have to say it was easier saying good-bye this time.

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