Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Beauty and the Beast

Skylar was a beautiful Princess for Halloween. A couple months ago I sat down with a costume book and let her pick anything she wanted and she picked Dora the Explorer. I went to dress her in her Dora costume and she said she didn't want to be that so when I asked her what she wanted to be she said a "Princess" lucky for her I had this dress on hand. So now we were waiting on her trick or treat buddy "The Beast" Turner (Michelle's Puppy) he was dressed as a vampire. While waiting for Tom to show up we decided to Trick or Treat our neighbors. Skylar thought it was magical to say "Trick or Treat" and get candy - this sent her off and running to the next house.
At one of the house's a witch told her "her dress so so pretty," and she replied "it's a costume." Some houses she would leave saying "oh gosh, that's so funny." At one point during our Trick or Treating I asked her who was the "Queen" and usually she'll say she's the queen but this time she said "You the Queen." "I said who is the princess." She replied "I the Princess." Then she looked over at her dad and said "What do you do?." It was priceless! Skylar had so much candy in her little pumpkin she would make a noise showing how heavy it was each time we handed it back to her for the next house. Turner, being the cute little puppy he is got as much attention as Skylar.
Beauty and the Beast
For those still on modem or using a slower speed computer, I have also posted a slide show of the party here
Beauty and the Beast

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