Friday, November 03, 2006

Four Week Appointment

We saw Dr. Nick yesterday. It wasn't suppose to be an MRI appt. Scott was a little nervous about the seizures he's been having, so Dr. Nick agreed for Scott to have an MRI. MRI x-ray showed stability. Scott seems to be very concerned about his seizures. Dr. Nick atribute's his seizures to stress and anxiety. So he is going to treat him for the stress and anxiety - we need to get those two things under control so we can focus again on the tumor. Scott felt comfortable with that diagnois so there was a little stress off the top. His test results for his white blood count will be in today and we will know then to go with the round 2 chemo or to hold off for a couple days.
Growing up my mom taught me that things happen for a reason , there is a purpose for our time here on earth and God never gives you more than you can handle. In my heart - I know it's true but, during this difficult time it makes me question my faith and honestly "the man above" must think we can handle more than what we think we can. For those of you praying - pray that we are given the strength to get through want God has planned.

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