Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

We spent our Thanksgiving in Apopka with my family. There was so much food. Skylar had fun playing with her cousins and loved Kylee's tire swing. It wasn't the plastic ones that you can buy today, it was a good old real tire swing. My mom has a horse ranch behind her house. After swinging, I pulled grass so the kids could feed the horse. The horse loved the green grass. But, Skylar was unsure about feeding him, she said he has big teeth. We headed back to the Coast around 3:00 and we were all exhausted. Our family is still growing. We are expecting another niece in March (Blake says our family is cursed with girls). I did forget to take a 4 generation picture, forgot to draw names for Christmas & forgot to open the cranberry sauce (no one noticed)But, I did not forget to think of all the things I'm "thankful" for and I did not forget clothes for the homeless. Last year we made hot lunches and went to various woods where we knew homeless people lived. They were really grateful that someone remembered them. This year we had Skylar and I didn't want to take her in the woods, so I asked Tina (my sister) to make sure the clothes and shoes got to the homeless. She is as passionate about the homeless as I am. People think I'm nuts, that they should get a job. I try to explain to them a lot of them work at the daily labor. But, also that they don't think the way we do. Maybe their down on their luck or a tragedy has changed their lives and there are some that just choose to live that way. Whatever has happened it is the way they live and I do think it's sad that there are so many homeless people on our streets.

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