Saturday, January 24, 2009

Another Escape

After work on Friday, I picked up Skylar and we headed to Disney. On our drive there she said her stomach was wanting a hot dog. After, our last incident in loosing our car I decided to be safe and write on my hand where we had parked. Skylar thought it would be a good idea to write it on her hand also.
When I asked her what was the first thing she wanted to do, her response was remember my stomach wants a hot dog. So we found a place that sold hot dogs and french fries on main street. We were very lucky because they were showing the first parade of "Dreams Do Come True". So we were able to sit and eat our hot dog and wait for the parade. Skylar loved all the dancing but, her favorite part was all the Princess's with their Prince's.
We rode whatever she wanted to ride. When we would stand in lines she would hug me and tell me she loves me. She totally melts my heart. Our last ride was the steam train all the way around the park and then it was time for her traditional bucket of popcorn and water. As soon as she was in the car and buckled in she as out like a light. When I pulled up in her driveway she asked me how we got home so fast.
After dropping her off , I headed home. I unlocked the door and when I made my way into the house I saw blood. I looked left in the dining room more blood. I said "What the hell" I looked in the kitchen, blood, down the hall ,blood. So I began to yell for Scott, he said I'm back here. I went to our bedroom,more blood. It looked like someone had been stabbed. But, still no Scott. So I yelled again and he yelled I am at the pool.
I had no idea what i was going to find. My heart was pounding. Scott was sitting in his underwear and t-shirt with his foot in the pool. I asked him what had happened - he was getting ready to get into the bed and turned his foot somehow and his little toe had gotten caught in Milo's crate. I asked to see it and he had a gash in the crease of his little piggy. I told him he needed a couple stitches but, he wanted to go to bed. I wrapped it up and helped him to bed. He asked me to get him an ice tea. I went to the fridge in the garage and there was more blood.
Scott and I were suppose to go to Daytona to see his Aunt and Uncle but, I didn't think it was a good idea. So I asked Scott to call and tell them we couldn't make it because of his toe. I had walked out of the room and when I returned I looked down at the floor to see what Milo was licking and there was a huge pool of blood. I wrapped Scott's foot and told him we were going to the hospital. When we arrived to the emergency room it was packed, so I thought we would be there most of the day. Then I noticed a familiar voice and it was a nurse friend of mine. She came in, they took Scott to x-ray, he had dislocated his toe and needed two stitches but, an injury after 8 hours cannot be stitch because of infection. So they wrapped his little toe to the toe next to it - we called it the buddy system and sent him home. We were in and out in 1 1/2 hours. It pays to know people. We came home and have been laying watching our DVR shows all day. Poor baby, his toe hurts.
Tomorrow I will have to take Milo to the dog park to let him run and relieve some energy.

1 comment:

Nicole4FLDU said...

Good grief... typical guy... his arm is cut off and 'it's nothing honey'... glad all is well.