Tuesday, December 04, 2007

What A Day

Scott has an appt. with Dr. Nick today. I knew he wanted to have a serious sit down with Dr. Nick so Scott went alone. There is an area called T2 that we are not sure if it is edema or mass.
Dr. Nick has increased the Avastan ( which will decrease edema) so we will have another MRI in 4 weeks and than another 4 weeks. Dr. Nick is aware, he is watching, so we have to wait. That is the hardest part. Scott atrophy and the weakness on his left side is normal because being on Dexamethsone causes weakness in the shoulder and hip. He suggest Scott continue with physical therapy, So please keep us in your prayers.

Dr. Cwikla's mother trip and fell this morning. I took her for x-rays. She broke her elbow so bad they will do surg. tomorrow morning to place a plate. She also broke her knee cap in 6 pieces but, it has all stayed together. She will be in a wheelchair for 6-8 weeks. It has left her temp. unable to care for herself for a little while.

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