Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Toughest Decision I've "EVER" Had To Make

Blake has wanted to go into the military since the seventh grade. He has changed his mind between the different military branches but, has never changed his mind about the military. For four years I have pushed College and shed alot of tears over his decision. I had hope through the years he would change his mind. Scott and I took him to ground zero last January. The trip kinda back fired on me and Blake wanted to serve his country more than he did before. He wants to help prevent terrorism from happening on our soil again. Blake is 17 and will turn 18 in May. He approached me with a program the Army has it allows him (with parental consent) to attend bootcamp this summer and return home to finish his Senior year in High School while being in the Army. The recruiters came to the house to talk about the program on Monday. As I sat next to him on the couch and listen to him ask all these intelligent questions, I realized that "my baby" has grown up and has to live his dream not mine. The little boy I brought into this world had grown up in what seems to be a blink of an eye. Blake is sensitive to my feelings and over the years has done well with not making a big deal about it. I'm the type of person that needs alittle time to take everything in and time to think about the decision that I'm making and how it will affect not only my life but the live's of the people around me.Everything happened so fast. No time to think he will leave Thursday for testing and a physical on Friday. I respect Blakes decision and will support him.

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