Sunday, August 26, 2007

Blue Man Group Rocks

Michelle, Matt, Scott & myself had bought tickets to see the Blue Man Group. .  We left early afternoon to hit Margaritaville for dinner and those famous margarita's. Good thing we didn't have more time than what we had because Michelle and I probably would not have  been able to walk unassisted. I didn't eat much of the day because I knew I was going to drink (dumb idea). We arrived to the show and our seats had plastic bags draped over our seats. Ummmm , we were third row from the stage middle seats not bad. Until Scott has gotten hit with a flying jello blob. It's all fun and games until someone gets hit with a flying jello blob. Good thing you had on your plastic cape
Scotty. Although, Scott said it really hurt. It was nice to actually be out of our usual
environment. Food was good, drinks were better and the company was great. Scott did a lot
of walking but he hung in like a trooper and did great.

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