Saturday, October 24, 2009

Weekend Fun

Scott and I had a wonderful day. We decided early in the week to catch a movie. We wanted to catch an early movie because we are still dog sitting. We decided on Step Father, what a good movie in a creepy way. After the movie we went to Pano Vino I had spaghetti and Scott had a chicken dish that Dr. Cwikla had introduced him to. After lunch we made our way to Sports Authority to pick up a dart board for Blake's care package and then to Ross for a sheet set, a blanket and a comfortable pillow also to go in his care package. The pillow that the Army gives them was small and flat. He will find both fun and comfort in his first package from home. I was also able to order a case if the small boxes of laundry soap that you can buy in the laundry mats. Hopefully I will have enough room to pack some of those also.
He was able to access the Internet to talk with Kellie and post one picture. In the picture it is just him, sand and allot of complaints about the conditions over there. Hopefully, things will be better in Iraq.

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