Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter Recap

I know it's after Easter but this is the first time I have actually had time to sit and blog. Our Easter weekend began with a surprise visit from Blake and Kellie. They were suppose to be in Beech Mountain at Blake's grandparents cabin but, Blake decided he needed to be home and Kellie graciously agreed. Their timing couldn't have been more perfect.
My mom was on her way over for Easter weekend so we planned on meeting Matt & Michelle at Enigma for dinner and to listen to Dave play. Blake excused his self from dinner because he wasn't feeling well. We finished dinner and then enjoyed watching Matt & Kellie play Wii.

Blake had a bug that lasted 48 hours leaving him in bed for Easter. We all were up for Sunrise service (except Blake) Scott wasn't feeling so well during the service so I walked him back to the truck. When we returned home everyone took a nap while I prepared Easter lunch. I had the eggs laid out ready to be dyed. Bunny Brandi had hid the eggs but, not very well and Skylar told her about it. She had her hand on her his when she approached me with the way her mom hid the eggs. Skylar said you can see the eggs, that they were not hid so I had Brandi go out and re hide all the eggs. This time she hid them right according to Skylar. Kellie helped Skylar color the eggs and Tom was disappointed I didn't make deviled eggs. The Easter Bunny brought Scott a Easter basket with a ipod shuffle and cool headphones. Skylar made her own plate. on her plate she placed a peep full of jellybeans and a roll.

Monday he was up and around. While he was visiting friends I came home and cloroxed the house so no one else would get sick. With them Blake and Kellie brought Reggie their new little cocker spaniel puppy.

Tuesday we were going to go to Seaworld. I woke up did my 4:30 am walk over the causeway came back showered got ready for my day. Scott was watching T.V and said I may want to check the weather. Good job Scott . Orlando had tornado warnings out and was covered in rain. We choose to stay home hit Hurricanes for lunch and then to the shooting range.

Wednesday the kids went to Seaworld. I picked Skylar up and tried to bake cookies while making dinner for the kids when they arrived home. I messed up the cookies. I probably forgot something - I put them down the disposal. I even messed up a box mixed brownies. Oh I forgot I was super tired because Blake and Kellie left their puppy in our room for the night and he was up and down all night. I was exhausted the next day.

Thursday Scott had an appt. with the oncologist. The doctor gave him a choice of taking his chemo or waiting until one day next week. We were already there,so why not go ahead. Our appt. was at 1:30 but, we didn't get home until 6:00. I was feeling more rested but not enough to try cookies from scratch again. So I picked up Tollhouse cookies (break & bake) now what was I thinking the night before, this was a piece of cake. I even ended up with beautiful brownies. Blake and Kellie were at a ball game with grandad. I packed a picnic basket for their long journey home.

Friday I had over slept. It was a good thing I phoned Michelle the night before and called off walking. When I woke up I left notes to where things were that needed to be packed in their cooler. I wasn't ready to say goodbye so I headed to work. I was in the back with a patient when I heard Michelle say "he is so cute". I came out front I cried as I hugged them goodbye. I told them they weren't suppose to come by the office and they said they couldn't leave without saying goodbye. In my head yes, the could have. I came home from work and collapsed with exhaustion. I we up Saturday about 10:00. Feeling guilty for sleeping so late, I went to Landscape Depot and bought one ton of Florida River Rock. Wen I got home I put on my work clothes and gloves and loaded the rock piece by piece, where I took each rock and began to trim out the flower beds. Scott sat outside for awhile but, then went back inside.
I unloaded the whole truck , cleaned up my mess.

Sunday, today, I woke up got ready for church. So many people came up to me to see how Scott was and to tell me they were praying. Upon leaving church I called Scott to see if he wanted coffee. While in the Dunkin Donuts line, our normal girl who knows are order all to well, stepped out f the side door with our coffee. Back home I got back in my work clothes to finish up a couple more things I wanted to get done in the yard. Now I am just doing laundry because I know my walk tomorrow is going to kick my butt.

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