Saturday, March 01, 2008

Take Two Asprin And Call Me In The Morning

Scott and I went to my mom's Thursday after work. My mom, my sister and I laid carpet. I woke up Friday morning I forgot my clothes and had a horrible headache. It turned out to be a migraine. On the way to chemo Scott had to pull over because I was so sick. I slept in the truck in my P.J.'s while Scott had chemo. Scott's nurse came down to the car to check on me, I was sleeping so she let me sleep :) At first I thought Scott sent her down but, he said no she did it on her own - which was very sweet. I thought Scott had called off his chemo but it seems that I had just slept for 4 hours. When Scott got back in the truck he had 2 scripts that Dr. Nick had written for me. Thanks to Scott who was determined to get us home, we made it in record time. We both went to bed and it's were we've both have stayed.

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