Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Blake Update

We even included Blake and Kellie in our reindeer pj's. But, we wouldn't let them play any reindeer games. They did make really cute reindeer's .After Blake lost his grandmother he wanted to pay a special tribute to her. She had passed away from breast cancer. He knew exactly what he wanted but, as he was doing some research he decided to incorporate the color of brain cancer for Scott. This is Blake's design.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Second Opinion

We had an appt. with Dr. Nick today. Scott's last MRI showed what could be swelling, new wispy area or nothing and the area is stable. Dr. Nick explained because he is so emotionally attached to us he would like for us to see a doctor at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville for a second opinion.
Dr. Nick strongly stated that he doesn't feel like he is second guessing his self , he just wants to be sure. We were lucky enough to get an appt. for January 6. The results will decide where we go from here.

I had mentioned to Dr. Nick that Scott has lost 10 lbs. Scott said it was no big deal. Dr. Nick showed him on the computer with his height and age ratio where his weight is suppose to be. Scott has lost a total of 25 lbs after going off chemo. Dr. Nick gave him something to drink in the morning to stimulate his appetite.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas At Nana's

Her house was like a kids wonderland. She had three trees decorated different themes. She even had a huge beautiful Christmas tree decorated on the porch which was set up with beautiful decorated tables. Michelle and I thought it would be cute to wear our pj's. It turned out great because we were exhausted and didn't end up home until late.
My mom's poor little dog Minnie was so scared.
Hunter got these glasses at school. But, I couldn't help but take a picture because he looked like Ralphy from a Christmas Story. My sister and her family has never seen that movie. I know what I will get them pre Christmas gift next year. I thought everyone had seen that movie.

Little Briar was adorable as ever.
My mom's little dogs were to small to pull the sleigh.

My sisters along with their families were going to be different places for Christmas. My mom put together a wonderful family and friends early Christmas so we could all be together. My mom had filled huge Christmas stockings for the kids, which were a big hit. There were screams with each cool thing they opened. What happened next. It began to snow.

The evening was filled with everything a kid could dream of. Thanks Mom

Christmas 2008

We had a great Christmas. We began our annual Christmas eve with the opening of our pj's. This year we were all reindeer. My antler's blended into the Christmas tree. Skylar was of course Rudolph but, she wasn't ready to wear her nose yet. I made a wonderful roast beef dinner. Tom had stop on the way to the house to give the homeless some clothes. I didn't want the rolls to be cold so not thinking I placed them back in the oven. Though we were not playing a game of hockey, we had a basket of pucks. We then open our gifts, Skylar really racked up (as always)

Michelle had noticed the gifts we had gotten each other was the same exact size but, what were the chances??We waited for Skylar to open her gifts and the Michelle and I opened ours together. Yes, we share a brain and bought each other the same exact gift.
Skylar loosened up and began to wear her nose. She began to having fun with it. We had gotten Tom a digital frame and downloaded pictures of Skylar from a baby until now, with songs and the first song we thought of was Heartlands "I Loved Her First" Tom probably wouldn't admit it but I think he got alittle teary eyed. Scott received an awesome Livestrong Matt received Wii Fishing rod and game.

Michelle made my mom this beautiful fleece blanket now, maybe my mom will stop trying to steal mine.

We then realized we were 30 minutes late to be at Dr. Cwikla's house. So off we go in our pj's. We had gotten Dr. Cwikla a custom made jersey that said Big Dog.

I think little dog was a bit jealous. We had a great time sipping on wine and eating shrimp. I did manage to get a family picture of the Cwikla family by their beautiful Christmas tree. I forgot to mention how festive the house looked. Even though it was raining outside it felt like it was snowing the minute you walked into the house. Beautiful Christmas music was playing, everything was so festive.

We then returned home where Scott had given me a DVD. He had made plans for Blake and Kellie to have a DVD recorder. When the DVD began to play my heart began to pound, it was so great to see him. He then began to tell me what I meant to him ,how I had always been there for him and what a wonderful childhood he had. He was crying, Myself and everyone in the room was crying. What a wonderful gift - it was as close as Scott could have me have Blake home for the holidays. Then I received a phone call from Blake Christmas morning through webcam I was able to share his and Kellie's first Christmas together, Kellie seems to be a wonderful girl and the perfect little elf. We all could not have pulled off all of our surprises without her. : )

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Skylar And I Escape To Disney

I took Skylar to Disney World after work on Friday. We did what ever she wanted to do. We waited in line to see Ariel while waiting to see her there was a little girl in front of us. Ariel took her fork out of her chest and started combing her hair and she asked the little girl if she liked her dinglemyhopper. Skylar chimed in that it was a fork. Ariel said no scuttle's told her it was a dinglemyooper ans Skylar said no its a fork. When it was Skylar's turn to sit with Ariel - Ariel did not pull anything from her trunk.
After we got off the tram, we had forgot where we park so did everyone else did to. There were so many people hitting their panic button in the parking lot that it was hard to tell whose alarm was going off. It took us 45 minutes to find our car. Skylar wanted the keys so she could hit the panic button but, I explained to her that was what I was doing. Little drama queen was saying her dad was expecting her and she was going to be so late, her legs were killing her.
I took her home and her dad had decorated the whole outside of the house. Skylar's eyes lit up like Christmas morning.
Scott and I went to pick up a few extra Christmas decorations and I began to have horrible stomach cramps. Thanks Dr Cwikla for sharing your virus with me. I ended up in bed for the day. Scott ended up taking care of me all day. He's so loving. I am hoping tomorrow I will be 100% or I may have to inquire Michelle's help.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Great Way To Kick Off The Holidays

Skylar and I began our Christmas month with shopping & ice coffee. After we shopped and purchased her Advent calender and mini toys and chocolates to fill it, we headed to the mall to see Santa. Skylar kept wanting to run errands before we saw Santa she said she could wait. When I questioned her why she wanted to wait, she said he may have her on his naughty list. I asked her if she had been naughty and she said at home. We finally made it to the mall, she sat on Santa's lap to tell him what she wanted for Christmas, when she walked over to me she said he didn't say anything to her about being on his naughty list. She then wanted to ride the train, she was the only kid there so the train conductor told me to tell him when I wanted him to stop it. We then headed to the grocery store, when I looked at my watch it was 7:00 we had been out shopping and doing errands for 5 hours.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Thanksgiving Recap

Scott and I began our Thanksgiving holiday on Friday. We made our way to Apopka and did our grocery shopping for a large enough turkey to feed 20+ family and friends that were coming to my mom's for an early Thanksgiving feast.
I met up with an old friend from High School that I hadn't seen in 20+ years. Time flies., neither of us looked that old : )
Thanksgiving at my mom's was great. Food was great - company was great. I played ball with my youngest niece and she became clued to my hip. Everything I did she copied me , it was the cutest thing. We headed home on Saturday to pick Milo up at Paradise Pet Estate by 5:00 for Christmas pictures on Sunday. The things Scott will do to make me smile - you'll understand when you receive your Christmas card this year.
We house/dog sat for the doctor Wednesday - Sunday. Thursday Michelle and Matt hosted Thanksgiving at their home. Matt deep fried a yummy Turkey and Michelle made to homemade pies that were also yummy. After we ate we played electronic Monopoly - where Michelle won by a hair.
I then had three whole days to get allot done. Put up the Christmas tree , put up outside lights etc.. WRONG!! I decided that my family room needed built in shelves. I have built in shelves that are almost all sanded and ready for paint. "Maybe" I will have my tree up this week. I seem to be keeping myself really busy this holiday season.
Blake had a great Thanksgiving with Kelly and her family : )
Brandi spent Thanksgiving with her friend and Tom made Thanksgiving for him and Skylar.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sinus Infections Are Tough

I have had a headache for 11 days straight - 3 of them were migraines. Today my headache ended up breaking a blood vessel in my eye. Michelle said a week ago I may have a sinus infection. I blew it off because I have never had a sinus infection. My face wasn't tender when I touched it, I just didn't have the symptoms. I went to work this morning with a migraine and Dr. C. said I may have a sinus infection. At this point I was willing to try anything so we called in the secret potion and I began to take it. Within a couple hours my nose begin to drain and my headache went away. I hate when Michelle is right : ) Anyway I am feeling better but, the potion makes me really tired. I am traveling to Orlando tomorrow for our family Thanksgiving. Meeting a friend from high school for dinner. She found me on classmates , I haven't seen her in 20+ years. Saturday I cook for 20+ people , back to the coast by 5:00 to pick Milo up at the spa and Erica is doing our Christmas pictures on Sunday.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Five and Funny

After work I headed to pick up Skylar. We did a few errands before heading to the park. After the park we went home to see Pappy. Skylar doesn't like anyone intruding on her Gammy and Pappy time. I had a guy coming over to look at building shelves in the family room. He stayed 3 hours and talked the whole time. Milo was even getting grumpy. Skylar said it's late, he should go home. I am so glad he was talking and did not hear her. My mom phoned, Skylar answered the phone and told her we were closed. Skylar and Scott have this thing where they give each other sugar. So when she leaves our house she never forgets to give Pappy sugar. Last night I asked for a kiss good-bye. Skylar hesitated and said OK I'll give you a kiss but, no sugar.. I wondered , what the difference was?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

And It's Not Even Thanksgiving Yet

I don't know if it the stores having all their Christmas things out but, this year it seems like there is not enough hours in the day. Blake will not be able to come home for Christmas this year : (
He and Kellie will be spending Thanksgiving with her family in Boston and Christmas in New York . I was able to get the package from Santa in the mail on Thursday along with Blake's tree and decorations.
Friday we had an appointment with Scott's doctor in Orlando only to find out when we got there that the appointment had been canceled. It was left on our answering machine but, we never check our messages. Lesson learned we will have to start confirming our appts. the day before. Scott and I both hate to check our messages.
Saturday and Sunday I got allot of things done but, it seems like I still have allot to do. I was hoping to put up Christmas lights but, ran out of steam. I do have most of my Christmas shopping done and wrapped.

Ashley's Beach Bash

Here ar a few pictures from Ashley's Beach theme Bat Mitzvah from last weekend. She hadn't seen the decorations until she showed up to her party. She was thrilled, she thanked me several times in the span of 20 minutes.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Pick Me Up

Skylar calls every night and ask either Scott or I to pick her up from the sitters. She likes it because we get her around 4:00 and take her for a milkshake or ice cream. If you say I can't because...... she says I knew you were gonna say that. Even if you tell her no - when she hangs up she says OK I'll see you tomorrow & she really thinks that you are going to pick her up.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I Voted

This is the first year my sister voted and she is 38. She was so excited that she showed up to the library for early voting yesterday, that had already ended. She went back today, the line was long, she ran an errand and so dedicated to not wearing a t-shirt that I had threatened her with , she ran back to the library to vote. Way to go Tina.
Because my mother waited to late, she will be wearing a t-shirt that says my grandson is fighting for my freedom and I did not vote "Election 2008"
Scott and I "Voted" I had a small problem at the polls because I signed up as an absentee voter but, then felt bad because Scott had to stand in line. When I showed up to the polls they had to make a phone call to make sure I had not voted yet. This election was so high profiled and debated, that Scott and I choose not to tell who we voted for this year.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween

Blake returned from training in Lousianna to New York on Halloween. What a treat for Kellie. He was excited to be back and said the training camp was set up like Afganastan. The villages had goats running loose, donkey's pulling carts. He said, ou would actually forget you were not in Afganastan.

Skylar was glitter girl . She wanted to be sparkley , cute and she was. She was so excited. Before we left Skylar let me take a few pictures. As you can see from the pictures, she had alot of fun with the camera. She was so excited to trick or treat and said how much she loved Halloween. Every year there is a lady who gives out stuffed animals. This year she gave Skylar a Care Bear that sang Row, Row, Row your boat. Skylar loved it because her Grandmom in Jersey sangs that song to her.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Isn't It Better To Have More, Than Not Enough

Michelle and I have been hired to decorate for a Bar Mitzvah in 2 weeks. We had a meeting today to get an OK on the beach centerpieces we designed and built for the kids tables and an OK on the ribbon color. I phoned the mom early in the week to schedule a meeting for today. I explained that the party is so close and plans had to be finalized in order to give Michelle and I enough time to finish the rest of the centerpieces. We got the OK on the centerpieces and the OK on the ribbon color. I was encouraged we have gotten further than we had but, when I questioned how many kids table centerpieces and how many adult table centerpieces she would need - she told me she didn't know, she would have to get back with me. She was waiting for more RSVP's. I am looking at a diagram of the room and she doesn't know where the kids are going to sit or where the adults are going to sit. It is 2 weeks before the party - Michelle and I are trying to give her ideas and she looks at us as if we are speaking a different language. We feel like we really didn't get any further today than before.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Hustle and Bustle Of The Holiday's Begin

It's not even Halloween and I have nearly finished all my Christmas shopping. I have a crazy November coming up and wasn't sure when I would have time to shop, wrap & decorate. I shopped for Blake and Kellie (his girlfriend) first. I hope to wrap and get those in the mail around Thanksgiving.
Michelle and I have a Bat Mitzvah early November and possibly a 4 year old's birthday party. Scott and I will be house sitting round Thanksgiving so we decided to have Thanksgiving with my family on the 15th. Matt and Michelle invited us over for Thanksgiving - Yeah ..he's cooking.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Moving On Up

This is part of an e-mail I received from the Chart House today.

Not sure if you are interested but I would love to suggest your services for event planning if you would like. The deck was beautiful and beyond what we provide. If you're interested and can get me some business cards, I would be happy to include them in our banquet packages.

Not only was she impressed with myself and Michelle's decorating but, she was also impressed with Erica's photography and has already recommended her for a wedding.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

No Bother

Scott has caught a nasty cold. I called him in a Z-pak yesterday. Skylar called me last night to see if I would pick her up today. I told her I couldn't because Pappy was sick and I had to take care of him. She then asked me to bring Milo over so she could take care of him while I took care of Pappy. I told her he may eat her cats. She said, she would put Milo in her bedroom. She said, it's no bother. For me to bring his food, his treats, only a couple toys and his leash. I kept telling her I would miss Milo. She said, really it's no bother and she would bring him home today. I asked her what she was going to do if he had to go to the bathroom and she asked me how I know. I told her he rings the bell, she then asked me to bring the bell. It was so cute because she wanted to help me with keeping Milo and as I kept discouraging the situation, she kept saying it's no bother.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Photos Are Up

Erica is amazing. Photos are already up from Saturday night's celebration. She really captured the evening beautifully.

Click the following link to few and purchase photos.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Scott's Celebration of Life

Scott's party was a huge success. Michelle and I began our day at 6:30 am. We took all the dogs to the dog spa. Then we headed to Merritt Island to pick up chairs. Our next stop was Petals to pick up the long steam yellow roses and then t the office to cut the roses and figure out how to give then the illusion of floating in the tall cylinder vases. We were so ahead of schedule. We then headed to the Chart House to set the mood for the party.
We set the tables, chairs, chair covers, sashes, place card holders and our beautiful cylinders that when filled with water gave the illusion of the roses floating and topped them off with a floating candle. Scott's card box lid was a picture of his hands and wrist with his and his brothers Livestrong bracelet on - gotta love photo shop. The kids were given wands with ribbons that were printed with three words that described Scott. The adults were given Livestrong bracelets. The food was delicious and the key lime pie was the best I've ever had.
Each guest there has touched our lives. As I said before, this road our faith, friends and family have made this road an easier road to walk. I could have gone around the room and had pointed out what each person meant to Scott and I but, decided everyone would be bored. So I decided to go with one big thank you. Scott was so overwhelmed - I believe it is the first time I've ever seen him speechless.
Erica was so gracious with her time to photograph the event and I can't wait to see the photos. Scott and I wished that we had more one on one time with everyone. Not only was Scott and our friends touched by the celebration but, also some of those employed with the Chart House. My 6 year old niece, Kylee came up to me during the photo show and said, Aunt Dalana you married the perfect guy. Thank you Kylee - I think so too. It was pointed out to me that all the floating candles that everyones table had gone out - except the one at the table that Scott sat at. Someone walked up to me and said, they couldn't think of a better reason to have a party, we celebrate birthday's, weddings but, we never celebrate life and it was one of the best parties that she has attended. I hope our celebration makes others remember how precious life is.
Life is how you live it - Scott is proof of that.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Skylar

Skylar made her first trip to Disney on her 5th Birthday. Scott and I had gotten her a annual pass and Disney dollars. She called me for days, so I could tell her about Disney.
Skylar's birthday cookies were a big hit. When we arrived to Disney, Skylar rode in the front of the monorail. We picked up our tickets, were she received her Happy Birthday button. Throughout the park, people were telling her Happy Birthday, Skylar and she would ask me how they knew it was her Birthday after a few times telling her it was the button, she would politely thank the person that wished her Happy Birthday. She wanted people in line to sing to her and of course we did. It was appropriate we were in line for Dumbo.

Skylar's big thing throughout the day was to see the Princess's. So we headed to Toon Town, where we waited in line for 75 min. to see Cinderella, Bell & Sleeping Beauty. She asked them an array of questions. She asked Belle to see her slippers and when Belle showed her, Skylar replied "your shoes do not match your dress"

After a few more rides, we headed to The Royal Table for an early dinner. I think we were all ready for a break. The food was excellent but, I was disappointed with the character dining. The characters didn't spend time at the tables like the other's at the resorts. Skylar received a cupcake and a royal dessert, where they again sang " Happy Birthday"
Good Night Sweet Princess...I hope your birthday, was everything you dreamed of..

Friday, October 10, 2008

She Truly Is My Granddaughter

Skylar and I went to pick out her Birthday cake and out of the blue she said, I really would like a pumpkin pie. I turned to her in shock and said what? She repeated she would like a pumpkin pie for her birthday.
When I was a little girl every year I would asked my mom for a pumpkin pie, instead of a birthday cake. I could not understand if people could have birthday cakes why not birthday pies. So my mom would make a cake and I would have a pie.
I went ahead and ordered Skylar's cake because we were having a small get together on Saturday but, I do intend to make her a pie for Tuesday her real birthday. I loved the idea of Keri's birthday cookies, so I will try those this year also.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Birthday Surprise

Tuesday is Skylar's birthday. I can not believe she will be 5 years old. We decided this year to take her to Disney World. I made dinner plans for all of us to have dinner at The Royal Table. I decided to have a small dinner on Saturday, so Skylar could open her gifts and have cake. I gave her a menu selection and she chose hamburgers - yeah! could she have made it any easier. Skylar did have a few specifics - we are to leave the front door unlocked, hide and when she walks in she wants us to jump out and yell "Surprise" so she will be surprised.

Monday, October 06, 2008


I hope all of you are registered to vote. I have always voted but, with Blake in the Army I am dedicated to make sure that my friends and family are registered to vote. I know I was hard on a few of you but, you registered : )

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Random Things

My mom came to stay with me for a week. She always seems to exhaust me when she is here. I throw out some ideas of projects I am thinking about doing and my mom jumps up and says let's do them. Let's do what? Let's re landscape - Not only did I want to re landscape but, all the plants had to be dug up and because they had been there for years the roots were all through the bed, which made in interesting in planting the new plants. Keep in mind Dr. Cwikla is out of time so I am running back to his house every 2 hours to let his dogs out. By the time 4:00 rolled around and it was time to feed the dogs, I would shower, feed the dogs, set by the river so they could be outside for a while and then I would fall into bed. Wake up in the morning, take the dogs out, go to Dunkin Donuts to get Iced Lattes for Scott and I , come home and make coffee for my mom and then begin the next project. I think she tried to kill me, she crammed 2 months worth of projects into one week. I felt bad the week she had decided to come over I was already committed to stay at Dr. Cwikla's house but, I was glad I had a place to escape and rest. : )

Scott seems to still be making progress in his movements but, still is not where we would like him to be. I can't believe how long it takes to build back muscle. He is doing more difficult work outs at home and is looking to get some type of mini gym system to help with his improvement.

Skylar will be turning 5 on the 14th - I decided not to do a big party this year. We are going to take her to Disney - it will be her first trip. I was luck enough to get reservations at The Royal Table so she will be dining with Cinderella, Prince Charming and the Fairy God Mother.

Michelle and I have a Bat Mitzvah we are designing and setting up for on November the 8th.
Blake is leaving for training on the 8th in Louisiana, then he will be on a 72 hour notice to deploy at anytime.

My mom wants her and I to go to St. Louis to see her mom and my Aunt and I need to plan a trip to New York to see my man cub. I think Scott is in a really good place were he can travel with me.

Monday, September 08, 2008

I Believe In Miracles

Scott and I went to see Dr. Nick on Friday. Everything is so different now that Dr. Nick is with MD Anderson. We park call for a shuttle, the shuttle takes us to the front of MD Anderson. Then to the first floor for a port flush, blood work etc. Scott didn't seem to mind that they forgot to prick his finger for another test. Elevator to the 2nd floor to sign in. Down a Willy Wonka hallway to wait for Dr. Nick. When Dr. Nick walked in, with excitement in his voice he said let me tell you what I see, then I'll ask you how you feel. He felt like the last two scans were really good and that he was beginning to see regression. Scott and I had already known because the radiologist had called to tell us. But, nothing is set in stone until Dr. Nick says it.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

PFC Rogers Reporting For Duty

Blake has arrived safely to Ft.Drum NY. We spent his last day home at Bush Gardens. They were dying to ride Sheikra. Their first ride.Poor Matt, I think he didn't want to let the group down, so he reluctantly rode it. I told him he was crazy. Scott even went out on a limb and rode it. I was really nervous because he had two seizures that had awoke him in his sleep. We got home about 7:00 and Blake decided at 9:30 that he would begin his trip. He and his friend Kristin met up together in Savannah.
He arrived in New York Tuesday and I told him to get a hotel get some rest and enjoy his last day before check-in. He checked in this morning and seems down in the dumps. He is in singlr soilder barracks with another soilder. He said, his room is 10x12. I told him to find the positive out of it because he doesn't want to be miserable. He is in a new area, he knows no one. It's like your first day of school, it get's better. I told him as soon as he gets his address to e-mail it to me and I will try to make sure he doesn't get to home sick.

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Wonderful Gift

My little sister phoned me today to tell me that she couldn't get me and Blake off her mind. She prayed for Blake's safety in the Army and strength for me. She then began to tell me about a dream she had last night. Blake had come to her in his camo gear and had a friend with him. My sister asked him, who his friend was, and Blake said Charlie. Charlie said he never leaves Blake's side.
My father, who has passed is named Charlie. The gift is - I found peace in the fact that my father could possibly be Blake's guardian angel.
Thank You Jackie for sharing your dream with me.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I Know..I Know..

I have to get a handle on my emotions. I am having a tougher time than I thought I would with Blake being deployed to "The Sandbox" They say it is harder on families that are left behind, then those that are deployed. I support Blake in his decision to stand up for our country at a time of war but, it doesn't ease the pain of him going to war.
I had my dog tags from 1965 duplicated for him and as I placed them around his neck I asked that he be protected, where his military career takes him.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Blake's Home

I flew to St. Louis and then drove 2 hours to Ft. Leonard wood. Scott was unable to make this trip for medical reasons. My Aunt who lives in St. Louis occupied me on the trip. Before leaving for Ft. Leonard wood we swung by the nursing home to see my Grandmother that I had not seen in 17 years.
We then made our trip to Leonard wood. My Aunt is my kind of travel buddy. She had a can of Lysol, air freshener, pillows and quilts. Before I touch anything in a hotel room I Lysol everything. We thought Blake was going to get a dinner pass but, they had graduation practice. I was lucky enough to see him before graduation. Graduation was as great as basic training, until you've been to see how hard, how many hours our solders train it is then when you appreciate their sacrifice.

We were fortunate to see their living quarters and meet his battle buddies. After 3 hours of the Army looking for Blake's key it was time to get on the road. Because of the late start it put us in later than we wanted. We were both exhausted @10:30 and decided to get a hotel room. We woke up not even knowing what State we were in. It turned out to be Kentucky. We ate breakfast and were on our way home. The closer we got to Florida, the faster Blake drove. He said he is glad to be home but, is only here for 10 days.
They showed a slide show and the last slide was Good Luck Bandits, we will see you in the sandbox. It was then that I learned that Blake will be deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Orders Received

Blake will graduate AIT August 8th. Scott is unable to travel so I will fly to St. Louis on the 7th, video graduation for those who can not be there. I had tickets to fly back but, decided to drive back with Blake on two conditions. My first was we would drive most of the way get a hotel and sleep. The second was that he would not scare me to death. I think it will be a great time for bonding.
He received his orders for Fort Drum, NY. One of the top bases for deployment : (

Monday, July 28, 2008


Thank God For Dunkin Donuts Coffee. Skylar and I headed to Eutis for my nephew's Birthday
party @ 2:00. I decided to head up early to visit for awhile before the party. So we got there about 10:00. The kids started playing in all the water toys @2:00 , it was 3:30 when my sister realized she was out of propane. I had a baby shower in Palm Bay @ 5:00 that I had to be back for. Skylar was upset we left before the food and cake so I told her I would stop at McDonald's and she could get cake at the Baby Shower. We arrived at the shower @ 5:20 and it was running way behind.
At about 8:00 I told Skylar it was time to go. She said but, I haven't had cake yet. Two parties, still no cake so I stayed until the cake was cut and we left at 8:30 pm. I got home at 9:00 and fell into bed. Sunday I was exhausted I slept all day.

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Message From The Other Side

Michelle and I went to see a physic medium on Friday. One of the many messages I received was from my brother, that was hit by a car when he was 7 years old. The message was to find the guy who hit him and let him know it was an accident because this man has grieved him everyday.
My weekend was consumed with finding the newspaper article from 1972. It consumed my whole weekend. I went through the family bible, where I keep all his paperwork. Reliving the horror. I kept calling my mother (driving her crazy) because of the urgency I was feeling. I finally said, Ok you want me to deliver this message - you have to help me. Five maybe ten minutes later the phone rang. I didn't even say Hello. I picked up the phone and said, you found it. It was my mother on the other end with a yes. She had given me the name and within ten minutes I had found the man that had taken something so precious from our family.
Scott asked, what was I going to say? He said, they were going to thing I was a nut. I hadn't thought about what I was going to say - I would say it as it came, even if it sounded crazy. I asked to speak to the man and a woman on the other end of the phone had told me the man I was asking for was very sick. I asked her if I may ask her who I was speaking to - it was the mans wife. I asked her about an accident on Wekiva Springs Rd in 1972 and she said yes and there was silence. I told her I was the sister of the boy that was hit. I told her how crazy this phone call was going to sound. I had told her that I had been to see a medium and there was a message I was to give her husband a message from my family. The woman said she prayed for my family. She said she was with her husband and children when the accident occurred. They never saw my brother, there was a loud noise and when she looked back, she saw my brother. She also told me that they had gone to the funeral..
When I spoke with my mother and asked if she knew they were there she said yes. She was told they couldn't look at him because they had kids - my mother said, she could look at him and it was her son.
I felt I was passing on a message from the other side but, in doing so I brought up allot of feelings of pain and hurt in my family. I hope that this man finds peace in a phone call that maybe I should have made years ago.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Transition Not So Easy

Scott and I were in Orlando on Friday. Dr. Nick has joined M.D. Anderson's team. This is an excellent opportunity for Dr. Nick to continue his research. But, a huge overwhelming transition
for Scott and I. It went from a small family to our big Greek family. Something we are not use to. The familiar faces we were use to seeing, we did not see. The office that was once small is enormous. Dr. Nick is still the same. It was great to see him. I probably offended the PA because when she walked in Scott and I had been through so many new people, each one treated him like he had cancer (this was never done at Dr. Nick's office ) so when the PA asked us how our transition went I burst into tears. She probably thought I was a loose cannon. I tried to explain to her how different it was and she was like the pre-show before the real star (Dr. Nick) came on. Once I saw Dr. Nick I would feel better. Before everything was done in Dr. Nicks office. When I asked her about getting Scott's port flushed. The PA said yes, that's done on the first floor. When I asked if he needed chemo again, would that be done in this office and her answer was yes, that's done on the fifth floor. When asking these questions, I wasn't wanting to hear floor by floor : ( Dr. Nick understood my feelings but, also reminded me he was there and we were there and that's what mattered.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Why Can't We Find Bin Laden

Because we can't even keep track of our service men. We got a call last evening from Red Stone Arensal Blake has not reported to class and can not be found on base. Blake changed his MOS a month ago and is at Ft. Leonard Wood and has been for about a month. The lady on the phone was totally confused and couldn't understand why she didn't have paperwork. Scary huh?
We also continue to get phone calls from recruiters wanting to recruit Blake. You would think they would know he has already been recruited.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Blake On Prime Time " Part Two "

I chatted with Blake again via web cam (sorry Nikki) He looked so thin. He says he has been eating, he puts gravy all over his food. I said to him I didn't think he ate gravy. He said it makes the food go down easier. So the food is probably pretty bad. So I'll bake his favorite chocolate chip pound cake and take it when we go for graduation next month. I can't wait to see my man cub.
The whole time we talked he kept looking behind him, around him. I asked him who he was looking for - his answer was no one. I asked why he was so twitchy and paranoid, he said must be the Army. It made me nervous just watching him.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Hot Off The Press

Scott had an MRI this morning and waited around for the radiologist to read the film. Makes me nervous every time. The reading found the area to be stable and the area they were watching to look better than the previous MRI. As Scott was talking, I was crying happy tears. You never know what news you will receive from scan to scan. It is at times gut wrenching. So this was wonderful news. I can't wait to see Dr. Nick on Friday for words of encouragement from him. Yay

Monday, July 07, 2008


Another reason I love Scott and his positive outlook. Scott bought carbon fiber paper probably a year ago. He is still wearing his leg brace and it bothers him when people stare. Scott had a great idea, so Last night we sat down and fitted the carbon paper to his leg brace. He tried it on to see what it would look like. His leg now looks robotic-cool. It made me smile because he thought it was really cool. How could you not love this guy?

Sunday, July 06, 2008

She's So Fun

Tom and Brandi went to Daytona for the races and Skylar hung out with Pappy and I. On of my favorite things is to hear her giggle. I had so much work to do outside yesterday, so Skylar hung out in the pool. At 8:00 she was exhausted and wanted to pop pop corn. "WE WERE OUT OF POPCORN" bad pappy. It wasn't as traumatic as it could have been because we were going to watch E.T. she settled on Reese's Pieces. When we turned on the TV she saw the race and picked her car, called her dad and told him which car was hers. I could her him saying no baby you like Jr. Skylar was saying no daddy I like the green car. As requested by Skylar, Scott was going back to the race so she could see were her car was. I would have loved to see the look on Tom's face when her car won.
We woke up Sunday, got dressed and was at the park at 6:40. She was asking me what I was going to get her for her birthday. I said when is your birthday, she said in Oc -tay - ober. It was so cute. Her and I then went to the grocery store and home before 9:00. When Tom picked Skylar up she asked him if he saw her car.
Now my house needs cleaned and I am exhausted.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Lessoned Learned

I canceled all my July 4th company because Michelle and I had a baby shower Sunday July 6th. We didn't have a signed contract because I knew the girl who had asked me to plan and decorate the shower. Michelle and I have spent countless hours to custom design this shower. We had agreed on a price and four days before the shower she informs me she doesn't have the money. I wasn't to bummed about it because 1. I learned a lesson when it comes to friends and contracts and 2. I have a beautiful baby shower ready to be put on the website. Now I can spend my three day weekend cleaning my garage.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

More of the Baby Shower

This is one of the centerpieces for the baby shower. I have 9 more to go. They will also be available for rental. I also fond these adorable baby block invitations that I will be offering.

The One Thing He Feared Most

Scott is really bummed today because they are not sure he will regain full use of his left hand. I told him people walk that were told they would never walk again. Take it day by day. But, he's so frustrated. They are going to try and make a different hand brace for him in hopes that - that will help. Scott has already survived all odds. Failure happens when you quit and Scott will never give up.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Your The Only One

Skylar called me last night in her distraught voice, apparently a frog was in the street and it had ants on it. She said, I was the only one that could take care of it. She asked me to please come over because I was the only one that could care for it. I explained to her that it was dead but, she still insisted I could care for it.
Sunday she called me again insisting on me taking care of the frog. She walked over to the frog and said jump frog. She said, please care for him your the only one. She thinks I can do the impossible : )

Special Delivery

Michelle and I finished the stork for our upcoming baby shower on July 6th. He has over 1800 rose petals individually pinned in him and took us probably 8 hours to finish. He turned out beautiful. He will be available for rental on our website.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

She's A Maniac

Scott and I took Skylar to the Pizza Gallery and then to Cold Stone. Then Skylar and I headed to the pet store and then I headed to take Skylar home. I pulled in my drive way, when my cell phone rang. I answered and it was Skylar. in her 4 1/2 year old distressed voice she said she was packing to live with me she can't live with her mom anymore, she is giving her attitude and she is a maniac. I explained to her that her mommy and daddy would be so sad. She said, she didn't care. She was packing to live with me and when I'm at work she will stay with pappy. I tried to calm her down but, she was really upset and didn't understand why she couldn't pack and lve with me. I talke to Brandi and told her to tell Skylar how much she would miss her but, Skylar still wasn't havin any part of it. Hopefully her dad will get home and rescue her soon.

Before Soup

Skylar called me last night to ask me to pick her up at the sitter's when I got off work. I said "yes"
before soup? She giggled and said that's right, before soup.
Michelle and I are creating a beautiful brown and pink baby shower for a party on July 6 so I need to do a few errands in Viera. Skylar loves the pizza gallery so that will be convenient. I can't wait to post pictures of this shower. We are hand pinning 2000 rose petals on a stork. He is going to be beautiful.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Busy Crazy Day

We finished up our June birthdays with Scott. I had picked Skylar from her sitters on Thursday. we began talking about Scoot's birthday being on Friday and she asked if she was invited. I tried to expalin to her that we were not having a party we are going to dinner with other adults. She didn't understand why if it wa Pappy's birthday, why no party. So we stopped at Publix to buy cupcakes. She then found the candles I had at home and after dinner presented Scott with a cupcake and song.

Friday morning Michelle picked Milo up for a day with Turner and Boston at the spa. After work I drove to pick him up. Thie place is a dog estate. It is beautiful. I asked them to shampoo, trim his nails and clean his ears. He smelled super clean. He was so exhausted from playing with the other dogs that he fell asleep on the way home. When we got home he acted doppy because he was so tired. You can also board your dog there. They don't place then in Kennels they are in what looks like bedrooms.

I then showered to get ready for Scott's Birthday dinner with our friends. Margarita's were great. Scott received a Bose system with an extra deck that holds 3 extra CD's. I also listened to our favorite radio station 99.7 kept track of all the songs played that day and burned him four CD's. Scott lso received the headblade a cool gadget to help keep his bald head slick. Thanks Matt & Michelle. He also received four large boxes of dark chocolate from Girmaldi's.. yummy. Thamks Dr. Joe & Pris.

We then headed to the Orlando air port yo pick up Blake. He was coming home to get his car to head up to Ft. Lenoard Wood. His flight arrived on time at 9:45. We picked up his bags and headed back to the coast. I relized in the airport that his life was packed in his bags. We then headed back to the coast. We had nade it almost home when my stomach began to roll. I'll spare the details. Scott was up all night with me getting ice bags for my head. I remembered we had Phenergan and I asked Scott for it along with Advil. I woke up @ 1:00 today. Blake came in
to my room to tell me good-bye. I proably saw him all 20 mins. I do have to say it was easier saying good-bye this time.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Where's China

I talked to Skylar today and she informed me her dad was angry and she was packing and moving out. She said, she was going to China but she didn't know where China was. She didn't even know what path to take to get there. Who knows why she choose China.
She then asked me to pick her up at the sitter's tomorrow. When I said I would she told me I was the best. She asked me to pick her up before she had to eat soup. Every time I have said I would pick her up she always says pick her up before she has to eat soup. So I called her sitter to ask if she feeds Skylar soup. She said she feeds her lunch but, around 4:30 she always feeds her soup so I think Skylar is associating time with when she eats soup. I told her sitter I would be picking her up around 3:15 (before soup time) then I called Skylar to tell her I will be picking her up before soup. She let out a big Thank You. Scott asked her if she wanted him to make spagetti
and meatballs and she said no she won't be hungry but, she will be thirsty and she will want a milkshake. The kid is cute - you can't help but smile.

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Exorcist

Blake phoned me Friday evening.He was frustrated he had no alone time. He has to have a battle with him at all times. If he wants to go somewhere or do something he has to find someone that wants to go and do the same thing. I could picture his head spinning, as I listened to his frustration.
It seems all is well now and he was able to have a little alone time on Sunday because he said he grilled out steak and shrimp for himself and he enjoyed the peace.
Blake and I are so much alike. I love people but, I also need alone time. Good job Blake for finding time for yourself. It helped regained your composure.

siskel and ebert

Scott and I decided to take in a movie on Father's Day. We decided to see The Happening, anything with Mark Wahlberg in it can't be bad, right? Wrong, Scott and I agreed it was the worst movie we have ever seen. Wahlberg's acting was still great but we thought the movie plot was ridiculous.
When we returned home I had laundry to do and my machine was giving a LE error. Scott said water needed to be coming out of the tube and it wasn't. The tube was clogged with sand from the well. I fix the washer so I could do laundry and we then ordered Dinners 2 U. It is so nice to be able to jump on line order dinner and have it delivered to you and it taste like it's cooked right out of your kitchen. Brilliant idea.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Riding The Waves

Scott,Tom & I took Skylar to the beach so I could teach her to boogie board. It's all that she has talked about for the last few days. I wasn't feeling great this morning but didn't have the heart to tell her - sometimes you just have to push yourself. I don't know if it as the salt air but I actually felt better once I got to the beach. Skylar was a natural. I took her out and rode the waves back in with her a few times. She then was teaching a little boy that she met while at the beach. It was really cute because she was actually showing off.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Broke Back

Scott fell in the garage a couple months ago. He has been complaining about his back hurting since he fell. Doctor Dalana "I'm not" thought it was because his arm was in the sling and it need to be exercised. Scott and I got into the pool where I worked his arm. The next day he said it hurt worse. He said it even hurt when he took in a breath. A cat scan was ordered and the results were a bone was broke near the scapula. I felt horrible - who would have thought. Doctors orders were to cool it for awhile.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

June Birthdays

June is the month that is full of Birthdays for us. Friday was Matt's birthday and we celebrated at Texas roadhouse with dinner and Margaritas. As a joke I brought Matt a huge sponge bob balloon and thought he could give it to a little kid when we left. There was a little girl behind us that we passed the balloon off to but it scared her to tears. We took the balloon back and handed it off to a little girl outside the restaurant that was happy to receive it. Matt real gifts were boxing gloves, a boxing game and a soccer game for his Wii.

Saturday was Dr. Cwikla's birthday and he wanted to see the strangers and have dinner at Pano Vino. So Michelle and I had contacted Oaks advertising to put a birthday advertisement for Dr. Cwikla along with his picture on the big screen. We made movie bags that contained Dr. Joe's fountain of youth water, boxes of m&m's, whoppers, Junior mints, sugar babies, homemade cinnamon glazed almonds (they were a big hit) and hand sanitizer. Everyone arrived at the movies early. We watched all the previews run, the movie began with no Birthday message. Michelle went to talk to the manager on duty and he knew nothing about it. He phoned the advertising manager who told him where the advertisement was but it was to late : ( Michelle and I were really bummed about it. But, the mood picked up quickly when we went to Pano Vino's for dinner. Dr. Cwikla received a slide converter to convert all his slides into pictures. We love that restaurant it is the est Italian food I have ever had. The bonus was we had gotten a cake from Ben & Jerry's it was excellent. All in all a very good weekend celebration. The next June birthday is my sister, Tina's which is the 17th and Scott's is the 19th.

Friday, June 06, 2008

New Idea

Blake and Nikki have decided to get married at sunrise. I thought it would be great to incorporate the aroma of coffee throughout the reception. I found a beautiful flower arrangement that was perfect. I thought we could place a newspaper at each place setting. Only the news be all about Nikki and Blake. I even have a lost and found. When Blake was 3 he lost his pooh bear. He drew a picture and we posted them place in Satellite Beach. I still have that picture. Both he and Nikki did sports when they were kids so I have a sport section. I found on line blank newspaper my only problem is how I am going to do my draft. Newspapers are so wide. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


I take Lunesta at night for sleeping. I can have full conversations with people and not remember the conversation or I remember bits and pieces like it was a dream. Blake called me last night after I took the medication and said something about eloping in 2 months. Now I don't know the whole story but I so know they were planning to marry in December. So has it been moved up? They had decided on a pink and brown wedding.
So I have been searching and racking my brain for centerpieces etc. Because the wedding was going to be chocolate and pink I thought they could go with a Love is Sweet theme. Michelle and I thought of mini smores makers as a centerpiece with a glass container of marshmallows and chinese take out containers at each place setting containing graham crackers and chocolate bars. Then I thought of clear hurricaines filled with coffee beans and a pink candle in the center with pink and brown striped or polka dot ribbon and each table with a sweet treat name.
I really have to be creative because of the colors. So I am up for suggestions?